Housing First Solano utilizes committees to help it complete its mission. Committee membership is open to all members of Housing First Solano. If you are interested in any of these committees, please visit the “contact us” page and fill out the join form.
No one should be denied access to services simply because they showed up after someone else. Coordinated Entry seeks to eliminate arbitrary reasons for service denial as well as streamline the delivery of services to ensure those who need help the most get it. Coordinated Entry is a high priority for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Coordinated Entry committee works to develop Housing First Solano’s coordinated entry infrastructure. The committee also develops the tools used to assess client vulnerability. Finally, the committee works to develop the procedures providers will follow as coordinated entry is implemented across Solano County.

Any functioning organization requires solid foundational documents. The Governance Committee reviews Housing First Solano’s governing documents on an annual basis to ensure they meet the organization’s needs. Governing documents include bylaws, the policies and procedures for the Homeless Management Information System, and Housing First Solano’s policies for prioritizing persons in housing. The Governance Committee ensures these documents align with Housing First Solano’s Charter and its mission to end homelessness in Solano County.
Systems Implementation is key to better service for those in the community. The HMIS Users Committee is led by the HMIS Administrator and is made up of HMIS users within the community who want to have an impact on how the system is used and want to better their own use and understanding of HMIS. This committee will evaluate all documents related to HMIS, ensure timely and comprehensive data is available to inform CoC activities, and make recommendations to the CoC Board.
The Lived Experience Committee (LEC) is a Standing Committee of the CoC intended to ensure the leadership and inclusion of those with current or past lived experience of homelessness within the Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (HFS CoC). The Committee amplifies the voices of lived expertise in HFS CoC policymaking and provides pathways to develop the leadership skills of members. The goals of the Committee are to foster a trusting feedback loop between members with lived expertise and the system of homeless and housing services in Solano and to engage that expertise in decision-making. To do so, Committee members use this platform to share their experiences and knowledge, make recommendations for improvement, and participate in Housing First Solano CoC Board decision-making processes.