2024 CoC Competition

The following overview provides information about the local process required by HUD as part of this competition, including key dates. You can find more information about the 2024 CoC NOFO on HUD's website.  A summary of this year’s NOFO and competition highlights is here

Competition Overview

As in past years, CoC funding is divided into two tiers, with projects prioritized into Tier 1 being more likely to be funded than projects of lower priority that fall into Tier 2.

The CoC may apply for new projects. Funding for new projects can come from reallocation of resources, CoC bonus funding, or a combination of reallocation and CoC Bonus. Projects may include:

  • New Permanent Supportive Housing [PSH] for persons experiencing chronic homelessness
  • New Rapid Rehousing [RRH] projects for families or individuals experiencing homelessness (including those fleeing domestic violence)
  • New Transitional Housing-Rapid Rehousing [TH-RRH] projects for families or individuals experiencing homelessness (including those fleeing domestic violence)

CoC Approved NOFO Scoring Tool and Policies

The CoC approved NOFO Scoring Tool can be found HERE.

Funding Available

The Vallejo/Solano CoC may apply for the following estimated awards:

Annual Renewal Demand: $1,853,692
Bonus Amount: $222,443
DV Bonus amount: $180,954
Planning Funding: $92,684

Key Dates

The following dates outline steps in the local process timeline:

August 20th, 2024 @ 9am to 11am:  Click here to register -> TA Workshop: Information about local competition and HUD guidelines for proposals (open to the public).
August 28, 2024 - Due @ 12pm -> New Project Letters of Intent Due
September 6, 2024 - Due @ 12pm -> New/Renewal E-Snaps Project Applications and NewProject Supplemental Application Documentation Due.
September 23-24, 2024 -> Review and Rank Panel meets to review and discuss proposals, score them and determine ranking priority based project data and performance.
October 9, 2024 - Special CoC Meeting to approve the Priority Listing
October 30, 2024 → Consolidated Application is due in e-snaps for final submission.

Contact the Collaborative Applicant

The Community Action Partnership of Solano- JPA is the Collaborative Applicant for the Vallejo/Solano County CoC but Homebase is acting as the neutral facilitator. If you have questions or comments regarding the CoC or local Competition process please contact us at Solano@homebaseccc.org.


Thank You To Everyone Who Participated In The 2023 Housing First Solano Continuum Of Care (CoC) Program Local Competition.
On Wednesday, September 6, 2023 the CoC voted to approve the final Priority Listing, which is available here.


FY 2019 HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Awards: On March 13, 2020, HUD announced the complete awards for the FY 2019 CoC Funding Competition. Housing First Solano CoC received $1,486,257 in CoC funding. A list of Solano agencies awarded CoC funding can be found here. HUD's award announcement can be found here.

2019 Final Priority Listing: On September 11, 2019 the Housing First Solano Board met and approved the final priority listing for project applications recommended by the Review and Rank Panel. To view the approved list, click here.

2019 CoC NOFA Technical Assistance Workshop and Local Competition Materials: On Friday, July 26th, Housing First Solano CoC held an informational Technical Assistance (TA) Workshop for the 2019 CoC NOFA competition. This workshop provided attendees with an overview of the local application process, as well as instructions for completing the local and project applications. The materials from the TA workshop, including the local competition materials and scoring tools are available here.

Renewal Project Applicants: please utilize guidance contained in the federal TA handbook on page 36 to begin your project applications in e-snaps. Renewal project applications are due in e-snaps on August 19th by 12pm.

New Project Applicants: please begin your new project applications for the local competition in PRESTO and for the federal application in e-snaps. New project applications are due in both PRESTO and e-snaps on August 19th by 12pm.

As per page 7 of the local competition handbook, to obtain a PRESTO account and further instructions, you must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to apply for funding to solano@homebaseccc.org that indicates the agency name, project name, project type, and approximate funding request. PRESTO account login information and new project local competition instructions will be sent in response to the LOI. All applicants are strongly encouraged to access e-snaps as soon as possible.  If you have a specialized need and would like to receive this information or any of the TA workshop materials in another format, pleases contact solano@homebaseccc.org.


​The 2018 Continuum of Care Consolidated Application is now available. Please find the Consolidated Application below. This consists of the 2018 Housing First Solano Continuum of Care Application and Priority Listing, which will be submitted as the 2018 CoC Consolidated Application for the Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (CoC). The Priority Listing and CoC Application are posted here for review by the public and all stakeholders in the homeless system of care, including any experts or community members who have feedback they would like to share prior to submission on September 17, 2018. We welcome feedback at solano@homebaseccc.org through Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

Thank you so much to all of you who participated in preparing this application and in this process. We appreciate all the hard work that the various stakeholders contributed to prepare for this NOFA and throughout this process, especially to the applicants and their staff who devoted extensive time to preparing and submitting funding applications over the course of the past several months.

2018 CoC Application

2018 CoC Priority Listing 


All eligible agencies are encouraged to apply for Continuum of Care funding. Prior experience with Continuum of Care grants is not required. This page will provide interested parties with updated information regarding key information about the application process. Information will be released when it is available, however for examples of past competitions please see the information contained below.

On January 11, 2018, HUD announced the final awards for the FY2017 CoC funding competition. This year's competition was very competitive locally and nationally. However, Housing First Solano secured a total of $1,284,935 for use within Solano County, which was awarded for 16 projects! Congratulations! The award renewed 12 projects and funded 3 new projects. This includes 13 permanent housing projects (2 new ones), renewal of our coordinated entry project funding, and a new coordinated entry expansion. In addition to the project funding, HUD awarded $36,956 in planning grant funding which supports Housing First Solano’s organizing efforts.

Final 2017 CoC Awards

HUD Press Release

Final 2017 CoC Consolidated Application

Final 2017 Priority Listing

On July 14, 2017 HUD issued the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the 2017 Continuum of Care Program. The NOFA outlines the requirements of the 2017 Continuum of Care grant cycle. Please review the NOFA carefully to determine whether your agency is eligible to apply for Continuum of Care funding and to determine if your proposed project type is appropriate. A summary of the 2017 NOFA can be found here. The Technical Assistance Workshop is designed to provide applicants with a comprehensive explanation of the Continuum of Care competition in Solano County. All agencies interested in apply for CoC funding must attend this workshop. HUD requires each Continuum of Care to utilize a formal Review and Rank process to make funding determinations. Housing First Solano utilizes a set of tools that a panel of experts uses to make funding decisions. Those tools will be posted after the Technical Assistance Workshop.

2017 Renewal Scoring Tool and Local Application

2017 New Scoring Tool and Local Application

On September 6, 2017, the Housing First Solano Board approved the Final Priority Listing for project funding.  Click here to view the Final Priority Listing.

The Consolidated Application for Continuum of Care Funding is also available. There are two parts: the Continuum of Care Applicationcontains information related to overall system performance while the Priority Listing ranks projects for funding. Have a comment or question? Email solano@homebaseccc.org for assistance.


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides funding to end homelessness through the Continuum of Care (CoC) program. CoCs seek to end homelessness by creating a network of service providers who assist persons experiencing homelessness. By getting these stakeholders involved in the same organization, the CoC seeks to improve provider communication and cooperation.

HUD distributes nearly 1.2 billion dollars in funding each year through the CoC program. To apply for funds, a CoC must complete a consolidated application. This application includes:

  1. A listing of all projects seeking funding ranked on objective performance outcomes
  2. An application for each project describing the project design, performance goals, and budget
  3. An application for the CoC as a whole describing how the CoC worked to end homelessness in the past year and what steps the CoC intends to take for the next fiscal year

Completing the application takes approximately two months and involves a local competition amongst projects to determine their ranking in the priority listing.